Just another day in the life of the sort-of young and sometimes stupid
I just sent off the big package of forms I had to fill in for my new job. The letter that came with the forms when my company sent them to me said "here are a couple of forms to fill in". Right. Couple of forms, if by "couple" you mean "several" and that you'll ask for information that I don't have and have never been provided with in the first place. They also gave us a website to login to that would "provide [us] with additional information [we would] need to fill out the forms", and by that they meant, "You know the Staff Benefits Handbook? Yeah, print that out yourself. We know we should be the ones provided that
to you, but eh", and also that we wouldn't find ALL the additional info we'd need. Not at all. Also, tell me how this makes sense: they want all the forms by July 31st, but they're going to give us the rest of the information we're missing when we start work in September. So I ask you, what is the logic of not either (a) giving us the missing info (like employee number, our e-mail address, etc.) now, or (b) collecting the forms from us after we have the info in September? Honestly. Most of the info we're missing is available, of course, on the company intranet, although none of us actually has access to that right now. Bah.
Two days from now, it'll be my one-year anniversary of moving into this place. Weird, really. Still feels like just yesterday, and I'm still getting used to my ears getting plugged on the way up to and down from here on the elevator, you know? Also, I just found out where you go to get on the freight elevator from the parking level. Are ya sure it's really been a year...?
I don't have anything else more interesting to report, really. Summer's more than half over and I still haven't done half the stuff I always say I'll do when I have time. I haven't done more reading, I haven't written more either online or on paper, I haven't discovered the meaning of life, and I haven't rid myself of my caffeine addiction (although it isn't as bad anymore). One of those may be more challenging than the others. I don't know. I'm too busy doing nothing to have time to figure that out.